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Hà; People.3.55 – El Día de la Bestia

by Violeta

Artist: Hà; People.3.55 

Release: El Día de la Bestia

Genre: Industrial

El Día de la BestiaHà; People.3.55’s new album, could have been part of the soundtrack of Álex de la Iglesia’s movie, The Day of The Beast, along with Ministry. However, even if the movie combines thriller, humour and terror in a perfect way, El Día de la Bestia only belongs to the latter .

From the first song, “Heretics,” the music is gut-wrenching. In a glimpse, you’re transported to the gates of Hell. Oppressing synths resonate, while JΔ3 screams “Blasphema.” And this is only the beginning of the sabbath. Throughout the album, the listener is assaulted by several sounds, that could have been recorded directly from Throbbing Gristle’s shows: noises, powerful percussions, deafening guitars… Some songs are sung in Spanish, as “El Dia de la Bestia” or “El Sábado de las Brujas.” Well, “sing” is not the right verb to be used here: JΔ3 screams, recites, shouts with an incredible power. “Insane Insolation” presents guttural choirs, quickly joined by ghostly voices. You have the sensation of being surrounded by smoke, as if you were in Hell. There is no rest nor break, the 10 songs, whether it’s “Emperor’s Rising” or “Inquisidor” are intensive from the beginning to the end. The ambiance is apocalyptic, oppressing and terrifying. The album ends on “Krampus”, an instrumental tune. You see yourself transported in Silent Hill, chased by Pyramid Head striking a big blow with his sword each time you hear the drums. Phantasmagorical voices seem to be floating above the music, as if they were leading you to a fate you can’t escape.

Hà; People.3.55 are undoubtfully masters of industrial doom metal. After listening to this album, you will have only one obsession: sell your soul to the devil to see them live.

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