Yuma Hampejs and Marcel Schulze have undertaken the pharaonic task of compiling what we could consider an EBM bible. It’s entitled Elektronische Körpermusik and was published last month. For now it is only available in German, but they are working on an English version, which will take them a couple of years. Elektronische Körpermusik is a comprehensive 600-page guidebook that mentions about eight hundred bands, with the collaboration of about a hundred people, including myself. You can buy it here: https://www.bod.de/buchshop/elektronische-koerpermusik-yuma-hampejs-9783734735400
The book presents a chronology of the style, going through the various generations of bands and includes profiles of artists such as Click Click, Flash Zero, Jäger 90, Leætther Strip, Orange Sector, Tyske Ludder or Snog. The book has wanted to include not only the great classics of the genre but also small and almost unknown bands. Alongside them, testimonials from DJs like our friend Kitty Sommar and from the media (The E Blog or Radio Virus) and festivals like Bodyfest. The book ends with a review of 16 parts of the world, from Japan to Brazil, passing through Italy, Colombia and the United States. The Spanish part was written by myself with the valuable help of Jorge Rara Avis and Manuel Fan DL Kaox. Among the national bands included are Kalashnikov, Otra Nación, Megabeat/Interfront, UT Supra, Pronoise, Brain Over Dust, ITCN, The Complexity or Laureate Sky. I have understood EBM in the broadest sense to include bands closer to industrial or dark electro like Dioxyde, Larva, Pail or Terrolokaust. The list is much longer, but if anyone wants to check if they appear or want to be included in the English version, don’t hesitate to contact us.