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SELLO – Meuse Music Records

por François Zappa

No todos van a ser malas noticias: nos alegra anunciar el nacimiento del nuevo sello discográfico Meuse Music Records. El sello, con base en Bélgica, es propiedad de Serge Manzato y Jean-François Galler. Este último, al que tuvimos el placer de conocer personalmente el año pasado, es uno de los organizadores del Liège New Wave Festival del que os hemos hablado varias veces. Juntos se proponen ayudar a la escena underground ya sea conectando a músicos con productores como publicando en vinilo y CDs el material ya creado. Se especializarán en Post-Punk, Gothic Rock, Death-Rock, Shoegaze, Darkwave, Coldwave, Gothic Metal, Doom-Metal y cualquier cosa que les guste. Y viendo el gusto exquisito con el que Jean-François programa el festival de Lieja, esperamos grandes cosas del sello. Desde aquí les deseamos lo mejor y ofrecemos nuestro apoyo. Podéis seguirlos en su página de Facebook. Y aquí podéis leer las bases del sello (en inglés) para que tengáis claro que ofrecen: 

🟥 Musicians, Bands, Remarkable weird sound Makers, Acclaimed Mad noise Makers and everything in between…, here’s the Meuse Music Records’ way of life and what you can count on us for! 🎶👌

➡️ What do we do for musicians with finalized products?

We propose you the pressing of your finalized works on CDs and/or Vinyls by European well-know qualified manufacturers.

We propose you to assure the storage and the distribution of your products, globally or a part of.

➡️ What do we do for musicians in need of recording studios/sound engineer?

Based on your “demo” works submitted and liked, in case you need a recording studio and/or a sound engineer for the recording/mastering/etc., we can put you in touch with some great ones without signing engagement with us for production.

➡️ What we don’t propose:

We don’t offer to represent you, your products or your merchandising physically on festivals or concerts venues.

➡️ What’s our goal:

Our first goal is to promote “underground” music and help artists we like, nothing more, nothing less.

Since a long time, earning money with music is a bit like a (bad) dream for a lot of us and can’t even more be a goal (If one day it was?).

In this perspective, our main mission is to help artists to produce their physical items and offer their music to the world in a different form than the digital consumerist one.

CDs and Vinyls are such beautiful and desired objects for lots of people like us…

We want to treat each of your demand case by case and our terms will be discussed in the same way.

Which means there is no existing/standard terms and everything is possible and modulable!

Obviously, the basis in terms of money will be “the more we have to bear, the less you’ll earn.”

That said, according to your financial possibilities and our way of thinking, be sure to understand well the difference between earning money and being known, recognized and gratified for your artistic works.

➡️ Don’t hesitate to contact us to let us listen to something from you and discuss about your wishes! 🎶

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