Today, Thursday May the 14th, Swedish band Then Comes Silence are going to do a live stream show. It will start at 21:00 CEST and we will be able to see the full band, as there is no total lockdown in Sweden, not like in other parts of Europe. We still haven’t had the chance to see live the new songs from Machine, their last album, so this is going to be a perfect occasion to see how these tracks are played in concert. Next 2021, we hope that we will be able to see them live at least twice, first in the Liege New Wave Festival in January, and later in DarkMad, that, as all of you should know now, has been postponed until March. If you want to know a bit more about the band, before seeing the concert, we interviewed them two years ago. Also, you can have a look at the cover of Velvet Underground’s “All Tomorrow’s Parties” that was recorded with some friends during lockdown. Without any doubt, their concert is going to be the highlight of this rainy Thursday.